Friday, April 25, 2008


The Random Number Generator selected:


So the winner of my favorite things Giveaway is Laurel Wreath!

And...for something more is World Malaria Day.

And through Compassion International people can give a one-time donation of $10 and provide a mosquito net for a child - or a family, if they’re all sleeping in the same place - who otherwise would have no protection from this completely preventable disease. That $10 will also provide education and treatment for people who are already sick with malaria.
We have sponsored a child with Compassion International for seven years and I can't say enough about this organization. So Click the "Bite Back" button above to head over to BooMama's place to read more about it. It's just ten bucks people.


Beck said...

AUGH! I am so disappointed! That was an awesome giveaway, Joy. And Compassion International is a WONDERFUL charity.

Lori said...

Thank you, Joy, for calling attention to a fantastic organization. I'm going to tell my boys about the mosquito nets. That's a nice do-able amount for a child too.

Christine said...

what a wonderful cause--malaria is such a horrible epidemic.


Lori said...

GOODNESS I am away for a week, and you just bless my socks off girl!! THANK YOU THANK YOU so much. Sorry this is a little delayed!!!