Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Almost two.

This girl and I? We are at war. The battles are frequent. And loud. And violent. With lost tempers all around.

And I'm pretty sure she's winning.


nutmeg said...

Right there with you. Ours have turned violent. Twice in the past ten days Finn has actually hit me hard enough to draw blood! This too will pass, and I'll pout because I miss it!

the dragonfly said...

Oh wow, look at that face.

Mine is almost one (tomorrow!!!!) and our issue is he runs me ragged. And he's not even walking yet. I think I might need a vacation. (Oh wait, I'm already on vacation...*sigh*)

Bea said...

Same story around here. Except the Pie is almost three, and it's getting worse.

Kat said...

Oh, but she's so cute!!!! ;)

Lady Epiphany said...

Ah, Joy. We've never met and yet I we're just so RIGHT THERE. Lindsay is winning my every day also. Today I conceded that she did not actually need to hold my hand until we crossed the street, producing not great results. I yelled at her for taking out (not making this up) Daddy's handsaw, and she retorted, "I don't LIKE that, Mama" because I yelled.

And yet, today, when Lauren was in high drama, overtired after soccer and crying over where her water bottle was, this same little girl hugged her tight and said, "I love you, sister."

I'm pretty sure that was God laughing.

Sarah said...

Yeah, I have one too! If we didn't live 1,000 miles apart, we could stick them in a room and let them duke it out while we enjoyed a glass of wine...

Kyla said...

But she's so gorgeous, you almost don't mind it, right?

Amanda said...

Did you read Janet at Three and Holding's post Low Hangin Fruit? She so perfectly explains some of these things.

Hang in there!

thirtysomething said...

Ah, yes. Raging one of those wars at my house these days too. And mine is almost three - -been a long year.
Gorgeous pic. Love the black and white.