Thursday, January 31, 2008


For Theme Thursday


Stacy said...

Great moment captured. Little ones are always so focused on the world around them and it is wonderful watching them. :)

Thanks for joining in!

Dawn said...

Very nice take on the theme! Welcome! I enjoyed reading your "about" section and appreciated your humility & honesty. Have a wonderful day!

Lori said...


You are making me feel guilty that I didn't get Pumpkin outside even once today.

Brittany said...

What a great shot! :)

Welcome to TT!!!

Andi said...

Adorable. What a nice photo for this theme!

painted maypole said...

great shot.

somehow I missed your this and that post (probably because I was sick...) and I just wanted to say I'm praying for you. and I've left you a little bloggy love over my way

Fingers To Toes Photography said...

What a sweet photo! Welcome to the TT - I am pretty new myself but so far have learned alot and its so much fun!

Rose said...

How cute! That's what my son looks like when he watches bugs!

Anonymous said...

Such a precious picture.

Chrissy said...

I see that Ben got your eyelashes. Lucky kid.

nutmeg said...

The light on that picture is stunning! What a toe head.

Christy said...

what a beautiful photo!

the dragonfly said...


thirtysomething said...

That is a photo that could win a contest. Seriously. A moment captured in its essence, the wonder of a child.
And, that boy simply could not be any more adorable, Joy!