Saturday, December 1, 2007

A bit of bizness

I decided to go back and delete the posts on our adventures with Brandon this week. As I predicted, I have decided I have gone too far. I would never want them to cause hurt if discovered at a later date.

Sometimes I let me own need for an outlet, and support, cloud my judgement.


S said...

You need an outlet, friend! We all do. But delete away. We've all done it.

Christine said...

yes, we all have done it. do what you have to do, friend, for your self and your family.


Kyla said...

I think writing about it, receiving support, and deleting them was a good way to handle it. You DO need an outlet and it is okay to use it. The delete key is always there if you need it. :)

Lori said...

I agree with all that has been said. It is perfectly natural for you to need an outlet, to want and receive support, but then to also do what needs to be done to begin to mend fences.

You are a great mom.

Beck said...

It's hard sometimes, knowing where that boundary should be. I've deleted posts myself for the same reason.

Amanda said...

Oh sweeties, it's ok. Funny story, the first time I ever deleted a post my explanation got picked up by Blogher and was blasted for all the world to see.