Monday, February 18, 2008

Monday, Monday.

On Sunday night I go to bed, full of plans and resolutions for the week ahead of me: Things to accomplish, abstain from, correct in my heart. So why is it that every Monday morning I want nothing more than to stay in my bed, under my covers and try to forget what I have resolved?

Coffee anyone? I am on my third cup and so far it's done nothing to make me enthusiastic about the week ahead of me. It's indistinguishability from the weeks before is defeating me.

That and a certain toddler's rage that her brother wants to play monster-bowling in his room...alone.


the dragonfly said...

I had to force myself out of bed to feed the Little Mister this morning. Not because it's Monday, but because I'm sick. Yuck.

I hope you the coffee kicks in soon. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Mondays. It is like that every week here. We never have a good plan for Monday - plus it is vacation week - no school for the older two and they have forgotten how to play together. This will be a Monday of Discipline, otherwise the whole rest of the week will really be a bear.

Lynn Stallworth said...

It's the whole "Groundhogs Day" feeling on Mondays. Back to the same 'ole, same 'ole. Sometimes the monotony of being a SAHM is too much!

Kyla said...

Monday. Who needs it?

karen said...

My children are home today (darned President's Day!), so my Monday is deliciously filled with more whining than usual. There's a playdate at 1pm, thankfully not at my house, which I am counting down the minutes until. What will I do with my amazing amount of only one child time? Grocery shop. Some days, life just can't be too exciting.

spaz said...

Somedays, like today, I would swear that my bed has a vacuum that sucks me into it and makes it impossible for me to get out of it. Either that or gravity increases ten-fold.

Like you, I kept begging for ten more minutes this morning....

Chrissy said...

Blah. Mondays are the worst. I always have the most chores to do on Monday morning (probably because I refuse to clean during the weekend), and it makes it that much harder to get out of bed and get going.

I would like to play Monster Bowling in my room alone, too.

Beck said...

Mondays are PRETTY crappy....

PJ said...

Because my "children" are at school where I teach, I had a reprieve this morning. Not 13-year old hormones to deal with, no love notes, no sobbing "he doesn't love me" girls running to the bathroom. Not today. Today I ran errands and did things for hubby and me -- buy him new socks, find a pair of gloves for him (hidden amidst the swim suits and shorts displayed today when it's 6 degrees outside)

But take it from me (My "baby" is 35 year old), they grow up so fast. An unplanned Monday --even with warring siblings -- still has those little hands that like to hug you, pictures scribbled for "Mommy", and smiles that will charm you in spite of your weariness!!! Who said you had to be organized on Monday??? Just ride the wave. With both toddlers and teens in the house, survival mode is sometimes the only way to go!

Lisa Spence said...

Your Monday sounds like my entire week.

Surely spring is coming?