Monday, February 25, 2008


Back in November I wrote this:

Computer is dying. Something about blogging made it sick months ago. And it has been in a state of gradual decline ever since. Getting out of Google-Reader to comment on blogs is like trudging through a pool of sludge. It requires much patience and prayer. And if there are graphics, or ads or layers on your page, it's almost hopeless. I click that link and walk away, to get a cup of coffee or fold some laundry, then come back to see if it was able to accomplish the task, or if it locked up passed out from the effort. And sometimes now, mid keystroke, it just turns itself off. Jumping ship. Grumpy and overloaded, it stubbornly refuses to do one thing more. I know how it feels.

The Man has been voicing loudly the need to reformat. That the best thing for computer is a fresh start. While I know this may be true, I have been resisting. Because The Man, while very nice to look at, and quite accomplished at many things, tends to leave things in a slightly altered state when he fixes them.

He's actually quite a whiz at computers. He has written code for program after program to do tasks as simple as manage our contacts or as complicated as run his business. But the last time he reformatted he wiped the information out of said contact manager completely, leaving me floundering on how to reach the voice teacher. Or my mother.

And it's not just computers. The toilets he has repaired do work, but with little irritating quirks that weren't there before. "Someone go jiggle the toilet thing" is now a daily request around here. And so, I have been understandably resistant, worrying what I would lose.

But I have surrendered. Computer is in pain and we need to do what's best for him. You know, so I can get back to surfing and commenting at will. Because I have a lot to say. And because it's Christmas time. And I need to s-h-o-p people.

So I ask you all to say a prayer for computer and his trip to The Man's hospital this weekend. That we would come through the other side new and refreshed and without any significant memory loss. That afterwards he would be able to do his work easily with the passion he once had. Opening up window after window with ease. That he would be well again, completely well.

With no jiggling required.


And now, three months later, I will give you an update.

The Man did not reformat computer in November or December or January. I switched to Firefox which helped some and trusty ol' computer continued to hobble and limp along long after it should, while grumbling loudly and still occasionally turning itself off completely in disgust when it just simply could not take another step.

But then, this weekend, I ran away from home went out of town with some girlfriends. And when I returned home, computer had gone under the knife. He had some things upgraded, some things tweaked and was given the fresh start he so badly needed. The Man had worked his technical magic. Computer is now lightning fast and no longer makes regular groans of pain. And so far I haven't had to jiggle a thing.

Computer geeks are so hot.

And if you know me in real life, let's just say that for reasons I am forbidden to mention, your contact information may have, well, once again mysteriously disappeared. So call me and tell me where you live and stuff....Please.


Chrissy said...

Computer geeks ARE hot. Someone should have told us in high school that they would one day rule the world. Not that we would have believed it.

My husband masqueraded as a musician when we got married, which I also think is hot, but lately he has transformed himself into a total computer geek. Who knew.

S said...

Isn't it fun to zip zip zip around the internet?

Glad your computer's peppy again.

Kyla said...

Yeah, that's why I marred Josh. ;)

karen said...

Yay for hot geek husbands! Also? TOTAL yay for weekend away with girlfriends!!

painted maypole said...

i wish my hubby could do that. even if I had to wait 4 months.

wait. you got a weekend away with the girls AND a faster computer. you lucky girl.

nutmeg said...

Can I send him mine?

Lori said...

Oh, there's nothing like a speedy computer!! Other than it makes me want to spend even more time on it- bad mommy!!

Stacie said...

Computer geeks rock. Hehehe. Well. Most of them. You have to watch out for the ones that are capable only of crashing the machine and destroying it in more ways than you ever thought possible. Not that I have first hand experience with that. I totally didn't know those files were required to boot the computer up....

Lisa Spence said...

I totally agree, computer geeks rock!

Lisa Spence said...

I totally agree, computer geeks rock!