Thursday, May 29, 2008

We went strawberry picking today; Allie, Ben, Clara and I. A first for me. Part of my whole breaking out of my fuddy-duddy mom mold thing. We had a great time. Well, all of us except Clara who parked herself in a row and stood there wailing because I wouldn't hold her while picking strawberries 6 inches off the ground. The nerve. I also think it may not have been fun for the people picking near Clara who had to listen to her scream. I, however, was not one of those people. I moved on down the row to an area of the field where I could see her but the noise was not at level to make me inquire whether strawberry wine was, in fact, a real thing. And if they had some available.

I thought ignoring her might help her get over her fit. It didn't work. Instead she stood like a little orphan child covered in strawberry juice and screaming in the middle of the field. We filled up our gallon bucket, went back to claim her, and moved over to the picnic/playground area for lunch. This immediately made her happy. Food as comfort. Don't know a thing about that.

So now we have a gallon of strawberries. Which we will no doubt be unable to finish before they go bad. So send me your recipes. And just in case you are new to "Joy in Chaos", don't let the previous post where I shared recipes (a first) fool you, I.don' Tonight we are having strawberry shortcake. With pound cake. Which I just bought from the store.

And speaking of firsts, Allie cleaned the kitchen tonight. Under much duress. And promises that when she is grown she will always eat off paper plates. Or have a maid. Watching her try to load the dishwasher using only her first finger and thumb: Hilarious. And oh, the look of shocked disgust when I told her she had to put her hand in the dirty dish water to wash the dishes that wouldn't fit in the dishwasher: Priceless. And I know she might read this, so if she does:

I love you pretty girl. You are just, just, just, just like your mama was.


Chrissy said...

A gallon of strawberries? Yikes. I tried to do the strawberry jelly thing and it was a WHOLE lot of work for just a few jars of strawberries. So that was the end of my jelly career.

What about homemade ice cream?

Christine said...

freeze them lady--we pick TONS of strawberries every year and we freeze what we can't eat.

flutter said...


Kyla said...

That scene with Allie and the dishes? Is exactly why Josh does all the dishes around here. ;)

spaz said...

You can never go wrong with chocolate covered strawberries. They are easy and yummy! And you can eat them any time of day (at least I do!).

Kat said...

I can't wait to go strawberry picking with the boys. I know they'll love it. And I know I'll probably eat more than I gather, as always. ;)

erin k said...

Yeah, definitely freeze them. Just wash and trim them and put them on cookie sheets in the freezer. When they are frozen transfer to containers.

Sounds like a good outing.

Sarah said...

Ditto the comment above. They are so much better than store bought frozen berries. They work great in smoothies and frozen margaritas too!

ChefSara said...

no specific recipes, but: I LOVE putting sliced strawberries on my cereal every morning. That will use up some. And strawberries are great in a spinach salad with sliced almonds, grilled chicken, and a poppy seed dressing. And there's always a basic cobbler sort of thing. since the berries cook down a bit, you will probably use a decent amount to make a cobbler. Just use your favorite fruit cobbler recipe, and substitute chopped berries instead...or you can always put them on top of vanilla ice cream, chop them up in waffles or pancakes...

...i guess you could say i too know a thing or two about food as comfort...

Wendy said...

Mmmm, after reading this post and comments I am craving some strawberry shortcake. Or maybe a

Sarahviz said...

Daiquiri's! (Yeah, I had to look up how to spell that.)

A little more child-friendly: dip a strawberry into sour cream, and then brown sugar and ENJOY. I promise it's soooo yummy.

Unknown said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....berries over cereal, berries plain, cut up so they make their own juice in the fridge, over ice cream....smoothies.....mmmmmm.....

you can send some this way! :)

Lori said...

This was so cute! I love your description of Allie and the dishes. Honestly, I still feel that way- I've just become desensitized. :)

painted maypole said...

i always make the Bisquick shortcake. Toss them in the blender with some yogurt and bananas for a smoothy, or some rum for a daquari! YUM!